Name of enola gay navigator

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That was specially created in September 1944 by Major General Leslie Groves to deliver the atom bombs to their designated targets from the airfields of Saipan and Tinian. A special division of eighteen hundred men and fifteen bombers. Manufactured by the Martin aeronautics company and assigned to the U.S Air Force’s, 393rd Heavy Bombardment Squadron’s 509th corps. As the second world war, then in its fifth year, had continued to drain energy, resources, and economy without showing any signs of stopping. Who at the time had been searching for less costly alternatives to sacrificing human lives. The bombers had successfully accomplished the final stage of an intricately planned and top-secret mission. Effectively crippling Japan’s military enthusiasm and bringing World War II to an early end.įurthermore, and from the military’s point of view. Released over the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki within a span of three days. This Boeing B-29 was the first of the two bombers to have ushered in the nuclear age with their atomic cargo of ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’. The Enola Gay rolls into the hard stand of the North Field Air force base on Tinian Island, after successfully dropping the world’s first atom bomb over Hiroshima, on the morning of the 6th of August 1945.Ī specially configured U.S. Named after the mother of her pilot and commanding officer, Colonel Paul Tibbets. North Field, Tinian Island, North Pacific Ocean.

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